KEEP WIPES OUT OF PIPES ONLY Toilet Paper NO Wipes "FLUSHABLE" WIPES CAN CLOG YOUR PIPES Wipes that claim to be "flushable" and "sewer safe" in fact are not sewer friendly. Unlike toilet paper, wipes do not break down as they travel through pipes and the public sewer system. Wipes can cause backups in your home plumbing and can cause sewer overflows in the street. Don't flush wipes- Place them in the trash after use! Boston Water and Sewer Commission 980 Harrison Avenue 617-989-7000 TRASH ONLY 97 KEEP WIPES OUT OF PIPES ONLY Toilet Paper NO Wipes " FLUSHABLE " WIPES CAN CLOG YOUR PIPES Wipes that claim to be " flushable " and " sewer safe " in fact are not sewer friendly . Unlike toilet paper , wipes do not break down as they travel through pipes and the public sewer system . Wipes can cause backups in your home plumbing and can cause sewer overflows in the street . Don't flush wipes- Place them in the trash after use ! Boston Water and Sewer Commission 980 Harrison Avenue 617-989-7000 TRASH ONLY 97