CAMBRUGE DIVE IN COMMONWEALTH FREE Academic Program for Bright, Driven 6th and 7th Graders from Low-Income Backgrounds 14-26 months of rigorous classes (summers and Saturdays during school year) boost math and English skills, and introduce subjects like computer science and theater Tight-knit community of enthusiastic students One-on-one mentoring from supportive faculty Extracurricular activities and field trips SSAT prep, opening doors to Boston's best private high schools and beyond VIRTUAL INFO SESSION JAN. 20! CAMBRUGE DIVE IN COMMONWEALTH FREE Academic Program for Bright , Driven 6th and 7th Graders from Low - Income Backgrounds 14-26 months of rigorous classes ( summers and Saturdays during school year ) boost math and English skills , and introduce subjects like computer science and theater Tight - knit community of enthusiastic students One - on - one mentoring from supportive faculty Extracurricular activities and field trips SSAT prep , opening doors to Boston's best private high schools and beyond VIRTUAL INFO SESSION JAN . 20 !