MASSHIRE BOSTON CAREER CENTER EMPLOYERS ARE LOOKING FOR TALENT TO HIRE! HOME DEPOT amazon BEST BUY THE goodwill Price Rite NIKE TARGET MARKETPLACE Retail Job Fair Come prepared to meet employers. Dress professionally and bring copies of your resume. October 23, 2019 3:00-5:00 PM 1010 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02119 Registration for this job fair is available. In the email, title the subject line, Retail Job Fair, and provide career center membership identification number to Business@Mass To gain access to a job seeker number or to become a member go to A proud partner of the AmerícanjobCenternetwork MASSHIRE BOSTON CAREER CENTER EMPLOYERS ARE LOOKING FOR TALENT TO HIRE! HOME DEPOT amazon BEST BUY THE goodwill Price Rite NIKE TARGET MARKETPLACE Retail Job Fair Come prepared to meet employers. Dress professionally and bring copies of your resume. October 23, 2019 3:00-5:00 PM 1010 Harrison Ave, Boston, MA 02119 Registration for this job fair is available. In the email, title the subject line, Retail Job Fair, and provide career center membership identification number to Business@Mass To gain access to a job seeker number or to become a member go to A proud partner of the AmerícanjobCenternetwork