WRITERS WEEK 2020: WRITING, ANTI-RACISM AND COMMUNITY BUILDING MARCH 16-21, 2020 Free and open to the public All events at Northeastern Crossing 1175 Tremont Street, Roxburný tinyurl.com/writersweek2020 617-873-2555 Calling all Boston writing enthusiasts: activists, residents, professionals, entrepreneurs, scholars, youth, non-profits, networks, groups, etc! Join us for a week-long celebration to connect Boston's writing community, to celebrate the power of words, and to recognize writers' ability to right the wrongs of the world with a stroke of a pen or the tap of a key. These interactive events will feature a social mixer and panel discussion, poetry seminar, master class, and an all-day write-in event from a social justice lens. Northeastern University This event is sponsored by: City and Community Engagement, Northeastern Department of English, & Northeastern Writing Center WRITERS WEEK 2020: WRITING, ANTI-RACISM AND COMMUNITY BUILDING MARCH 16-21, 2020 Free and open to the public All events at Northeastern Crossing 1175 Tremont Street, Roxburný tinyurl.com/writersweek2020 617-873-2555 Calling all Boston writing enthusiasts: activists, residents, professionals, entrepreneurs, scholars, youth, non-profits, networks, groups, etc! Join us for a week-long celebration to connect Boston's writing community, to celebrate the power of words, and to recognize writers' ability to right the wrongs of the world with a stroke of a pen or the tap of a key. These interactive events will feature a social mixer and panel discussion, poetry seminar, master class, and an all-day write-in event from a social justice lens. Northeastern University This event is sponsored by: City and Community Engagement, Northeastern Department of English, & Northeastern Writing Center