HONORING Kate Walsh President & CEO Boston Medical Center MASSACHUSETTS Boston Medical Center HEALTH SYSTEM Eastern Bank JOIN US FOR GOOD Please Join Us for Harvard Street's First Annual Speaker Series A CHANCE TO LEAD: BREAKING THE CYCLE IN HEALTH DISPARITIES An Evening with Boston's own Best Selling Author Steve Pemberton THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2022| 5:30pm The Media Arts Center at Roxbury Community College 1234 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA 02120 Thank you to Our Sponsors For more information please contact Sara Callard at Sara.Callard@HarvardStreet.org This event is intentionally free & accessible. To RSVP please visit: https://bit.ly/3RIEHB1 GILEAD Codman Square Health Center Franklin Park ZOO Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center GET YOUR REAR IN GEAR CANCER BOSTON COALITION TRUIST H Massachusetts League of Community Health Center CAVALLO& CS SIGNORELLO INSURANCE AGENCY John Leopold Weiland Geraldine Rickard Weil Memorial Charitable Foundation HONORING Kate Walsh President & CEO Boston Medical Center MASSACHUSETTS Boston Medical Center HEALTH SYSTEM Eastern Bank JOIN US FOR GOOD Please Join Us for Harvard Street's First Annual Speaker Series A CHANCE TO LEAD : BREAKING THE CYCLE IN HEALTH DISPARITIES An Evening with Boston's own Best Selling Author Steve Pemberton THURSDAY , OCTOBER 27 , 2022 | 5:30 pm The Media Arts Center at Roxbury Community College 1234 Columbus Ave , Boston , MA 02120 Thank you to Our Sponsors For more information please contact Sara Callard at Sara.Callard@HarvardStreet.org This event is intentionally free & accessible . To RSVP please visit : https://bit.ly/3RIEHB1 GILEAD Codman Square Health Center Franklin Park ZOO Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center GET YOUR REAR IN GEAR CANCER BOSTON COALITION TRUIST H Massachusetts League of Community Health Center CAVALLO & CS SIGNORELLO INSURANCE AGENCY John Leopold Weiland Geraldine Rickard Weil Memorial Charitable Foundation