Keystone Apartments Keystone Apartments Section 8 Elderly waitlist for one bedroom apartments will re-open from April 16 May 15, 2019. Placement on the waitlist will be determined by lottery. The income eligibility requirements are as follows No. of Persons Maximum Annual Income $56,800 $64,900 Applicants must be 62 years or older and must be determined eligible in accordance with the regulations of the HUD Section 8 Housing Program. Rent is 30% of the household's adjusted gross income Applications can be sent to you via email or mail upon request by calling 617-282-9125. Applications may also be picked up in person at Keystone Apartments Management Office, 151 Hallet Street, Dorchester, MA 02124, M-F, 9am to 4pm, April 16-May 15, 2019. Completed applications must be postmarked, faxed to 617-282-9140, or delivered in person to the Keystone Apartments Management Office at the address above by 4pm, May 15, 2019 to be included in the lottery. The lottery will be held at 6pm on May 29, 2019 at Keystone Apartments Community Room 151 Hallet Street, Dorchester, MA. Keystone Apartments is a smoke-free housing community For more information, language assistance, or reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities, contact the Keystone Apartments Management Office at 617-282-9125 | TTY: 711 |