Enroll at Brooke! Inscripción en Brooke! Applications are now open Use the QR code or visit applybostoncharters.org to apply through February 28, 2022! Why Brooke? small class sizes - longer school days/year - uniforms nightly homework - close teacher relationships All students in Boston Public Schools and Chelsea Public Schools - including English language learners, limited English-proficient students, and special education students are encouraged to apply through the lottery Brooke Brooke BCS Brooke CHARTER SCHOOLS visit ebrooke.org/enroll for more information Enroll at Brooke! Inscripción en Brooke! Applications are now open Use the QR code or visit applybostoncharters.org to apply through February 28, 2022! Why Brooke? small class sizes - longer school days/year - uniforms nightly homework - close teacher relationships All students in Boston Public Schools and Chelsea Public Schools - including English language learners, limited English-proficient students, and special education students are encouraged to apply through the lottery Brooke Brooke BCS Brooke CHARTER SCHOOLS visit ebrooke.org/enroll for more information