Looking for school options? METCO is accepting applications for fall 2020 ONLINE through April 30! Your child can get a great education, make lifelong interracial friendships, and prepare for a global economy! METCO is a school integration program that enrolls Boston students from grades K-10 in participating suburban public schools to reduce racial isolation. Learn more and apply at metcoinc.org. SCAN WITH YOUR PHONE CAMERA metcoinc.org/apply QUESTIONS? CALL 617-427-1545 Looking for school options? METCO is accepting applications for fall 2020 ONLINE through April 30! Your child can get a great education, make lifelong interracial friendships, and prepare for a global economy! METCO is a school integration program that enrolls Boston students from grades K-10 in participating suburban public schools to reduce racial isolation. Learn more and apply at metcoinc.org. SCAN WITH YOUR PHONE CAMERA metcoinc.org/apply QUESTIONS? CALL 617-427-1545