Maloney PROPERTIES City of Chelsea Income Restricted Homeownership Opportunity PARKER PLACE CONDOMINIUMS 87 Parker Street, Chelsea, MA 02150 1 Income Restricted Homeownership Units #OF UNITS UNIT SIZE RENT $221,900 2 Bedroom 1 Maximum Income per Household Size 80% AMI LOW INCOME Household size $62,450 2 $71,400 3 $80,300 4 $89,200 $96,350 Maximum asset limit is $75,000 Households may request an application to be sent by email or mail from: June 24, 2019 through August 23,2019 through the following methods: Download online: To have a hard copy of the application sent to your mailing address, please call: 781-992-5307-MA Relay 711 Applications and information packets are also available to pick at the Chelsea Public Library-569 Broadway, Chelsea, MA 02150. during business hours Monday&Tuesday from 10am-8pm and Wednesday Thursday&Friday from 9am-5pm Information Session: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 6:30pm Chelsea Public Library-569 Broadway, Chelsea, MA 02150. Lottery Date: Wednesday, September4, 2019 at 12pm. Office of Dept. of Planning and Development-500 Broadway, Room 101, Chelsea, MA 02150 Deadline for completed applications by mail only Postmarked no later than August 23, 2019 Maloney Properties, Inc. Attention: Parker Place Lottery 27 Mica Lane, Wellesley MA 02481 Selection by lottery. Use & occupancy restrictions apply. Preference for First Time Homebuyers Preference for Households With at Least One Person Per Bedroom Free language assistance and reasonable accommodations available. For assistance and more information, please call Maloney Properties, Inc 781-992-5307 MARelay 711 or email: Equal Housing Opportunity Maloney PROPERTIES City of Chelsea Income Restricted Homeownership Opportunity PARKER PLACE CONDOMINIUMS 87 Parker Street, Chelsea, MA 02150 1 Income Restricted Homeownership Units #OF UNITS UNIT SIZE RENT $221,900 2 Bedroom 1 Maximum Income per Household Size 80% AMI LOW INCOME Household size $62,450 2 $71,400 3 $80,300 4 $89,200 $96,350 Maximum asset limit is $75,000 Households may request an application to be sent by email or mail from: June 24, 2019 through August 23,2019 through the following methods: Download online: To have a hard copy of the application sent to your mailing address, please call: 781-992-5307-MA Relay 711 Applications and information packets are also available to pick at the Chelsea Public Library-569 Broadway, Chelsea, MA 02150. during business hours Monday&Tuesday from 10am-8pm and Wednesday Thursday&Friday from 9am-5pm Information Session: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 6:30pm Chelsea Public Library-569 Broadway, Chelsea, MA 02150. Lottery Date: Wednesday, September4, 2019 at 12pm. Office of Dept. of Planning and Development-500 Broadway, Room 101, Chelsea, MA 02150 Deadline for completed applications by mail only Postmarked no later than August 23, 2019 Maloney Properties, Inc. Attention: Parker Place Lottery 27 Mica Lane, Wellesley MA 02481 Selection by lottery. Use & occupancy restrictions apply. Preference for First Time Homebuyers Preference for Households With at Least One Person Per Bedroom Free language assistance and reasonable accommodations available. For assistance and more information, please call Maloney Properties, Inc 781-992-5307 MARelay 711 or email: Equal Housing Opportunity