bpda Virtual Public Meeting 554-562 Columbia Rd.: IAG/Public Meeting NOVEMBER Zoom Link: bit.ly/3rZpowL Toll Free: (833) 568 - 8864 14 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Meeting ID: 161 591 4793 Project Description: Notice of Project Change (NPC) to include approximately 72,087 gross square feet of floor area and containing 65 senior-focuses multi-family rental units, of which 100% will continue to be deed restricted for a variety of income levels to be developed in two phases, including construction in Phase 1 of 50 units in a proposed five-story building addition to the rear of the existing four-story Fox Hall building, and Phase 2 including the renovation of the Fox Hall building to include an additional 15 units; a drop-off surface parking space accessed from Arion Street and the NPC proposal will retain the 5,534 GSF of existing ground floor retailers in the Fox Hall Building. mail to: Stephen Harvey phone: email: Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 617.918.4418 stephen.j.harvey@boston.gov Close of Public Comment Period: 11/24/2023 Boston Plans.org @Boston Plans Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary bpda Virtual Public Meeting 554-562 Columbia Rd .: IAG / Public Meeting NOVEMBER Zoom Link : bit.ly/3rZpowL Toll Free : ( 833 ) 568 - 8864 14 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Meeting ID : 161 591 4793 Project Description : Notice of Project Change ( NPC ) to include approximately 72,087 gross square feet of floor area and containing 65 senior - focuses multi - family rental units , of which 100 % will continue to be deed restricted for a variety of income levels to be developed in two phases , including construction in Phase 1 of 50 units in a proposed five - story building addition to the rear of the existing four - story Fox Hall building , and Phase 2 including the renovation of the Fox Hall building to include an additional 15 units ; a drop - off surface parking space accessed from Arion Street and the NPC proposal will retain the 5,534 GSF of existing ground floor retailers in the Fox Hall Building . mail to : Stephen Harvey phone : email : Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square , 9th Floor Boston , MA 02201 617.918.4418 stephen.j.harvey@boston.gov Close of Public Comment Period : 11/24/2023 Boston Plans.org @Boston Plans Teresa Polhemus , Executive Director / Secretary