bpda Virtual Public Meeting 75-81 Dudley Street JANUARY Zoom Link: bit.ly/47iszoB 10 Toll Free: (833) 568-8864 6:00 PM -7:30 PM Meeting ID: 160 627 4350 Project Description: The BPDA is hosting a Public Meeting for the proposed Notice of Project Change for 75-81 Dudley Street in Roxbury. The meeting will include a presentation followed by Q&A. The Proposed Project will include the construction of a new four-story building that will contain 15 homeownership units and bicycle parking. Please use the following link to register for the meeting: bit.ly/47isZoB Meeting ID: 160 627 4350 Toll-Free Call-in Number: (833) 568-8864 mail to: Ebony DaRosa phone: email: Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square, 9th Floor Boston, MA 02201 617.918.4419 ebony.darosa@boston.gov Boston Plans.org @Boston Plans Teresa Polhemus, Executive Director/Secretary bpda Virtual Public Meeting 75-81 Dudley Street JANUARY Zoom Link : bit.ly/47iszoB 10 Toll Free : ( 833 ) 568-8864 6:00 PM -7 : 30 PM Meeting ID : 160 627 4350 Project Description : The BPDA is hosting a Public Meeting for the proposed Notice of Project Change for 75-81 Dudley Street in Roxbury . The meeting will include a presentation followed by Q & A . The Proposed Project will include the construction of a new four - story building that will contain 15 homeownership units and bicycle parking . Please use the following link to register for the meeting : bit.ly/47isZoB Meeting ID : 160 627 4350 Toll - Free Call - in Number : ( 833 ) 568-8864 mail to : Ebony DaRosa phone : email : Boston Planning & Development Agency One City Hall Square , 9th Floor Boston , MA 02201 617.918.4419 ebony.darosa@boston.gov Boston Plans.org @Boston Plans Teresa Polhemus , Executive Director / Secretary