iConnect EBH Summer July 7 - August 7, 2020 Monday - Friday CLICK HERE project based math & english language arts CLICK HERE virtual recreational activities PRIZES! for *academic achievement build websites! Awinning games CLICK HERE small group interaction CICK HERE learning platform that builds community CLICK HERE experienced teachers CLICK HERE FOR STUDENTS GOING INTO 5TH THROUGH 8TH GRADE FREE ONLINE LEARNING |SAFE CELEBRATION EVENT!! Click Here > 1CONNECT EBH SUMMER REGISTER NOW AT ICONNECTEBH.COM iConnect EBH Summer July 7 - August 7, 2020 Monday - Friday CLICK HERE project based math & english language arts CLICK HERE virtual recreational activities PRIZES! for *academic achievement build websites! Awinning games CLICK HERE small group interaction CICK HERE learning platform that builds community CLICK HERE experienced teachers CLICK HERE FOR STUDENTS GOING INTO 5TH THROUGH 8TH GRADE FREE ONLINE LEARNING |SAFE CELEBRATION EVENT!! Click Here > 1CONNECT EBH SUMMER REGISTER NOW AT ICONNECTEBH.COM