SEB Housing has been a leader in the affordable housing field in Massachusetts for over 40 years. We are an Affordable Housing Consulting group that works with developers and management teams and applicants in the tasks associated with the housing that is developed, permitted and/or regulated by: 40B, Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA), Inclusionary Housing requirements, Special Permit conditions, and/or Workforce restrictions. Our experience, expertise and strategies are well recognized by municipal, state and monitoring agencies and SEB Housing’s participation ensures that affordable units are offered to qualified tenants and buyers through a fair and impartial selection process so that developers and management companies avoid many of the perils and challenges associated with the affordable unit lease-up and/or sell-out that is part of the final phase of the development process. We have been involved in marketing and executing lotteries and lease-ups and sales of more affordable units than any other lottery agent in the state.