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  • Published Date

    November 11, 2020
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LOOK WHAT'S NEW at WHITTIER WHITTIER FOOD PANTRY: Now open to the public, all are welcome. We provide a selection of bread, cereal, whole grain pasta, rice, frozen food, canned goods, and much more. Please call (617) 989-3152 to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome, no one in need will be turned away. Open Monday through Friday 9am-5pm. LAUNCH OF VIRTUAL FITNESS WORKOUTS FOR YOUTH: Starting on 11/16/20. Please visit the website www.wshc.org. PARENTING SUPPORT GROUPS: Date: November 19th 4:30PM-6:00PM TOPIC: Parenting strategies to manage the covid-19 pandemic Date: December 17th 4:30PM-6:30PM TOPIC: Coping with Parenting stress during the holidays Attendees receive a small token for attending Contact: Brenda Daley at 617-989-3103 or Brenda.daley@wshc.org Or speak with your child's Pediatric Provider for a referral PATIENT ONLY EVENTS: Turkey giveaway 11/23 and 11/24 and a Senior Social hour. WHITTIER STREET HEALTH CENTER Comprehensive. Compassionate. Community. FREDERICA M. WILLIAMS BUILDING 1290 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA 02120 617-427-1000 www.wshc.org LOOK WHAT'S NEW at WHITTIER WHITTIER FOOD PANTRY: Now open to the public, all are welcome. We provide a selection of bread, cereal, whole grain pasta, rice, frozen food, canned goods, and much more. Please call (617) 989-3152 to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are welcome, no one in need will be turned away. Open Monday through Friday 9am-5pm. LAUNCH OF VIRTUAL FITNESS WORKOUTS FOR YOUTH: Starting on 11/16/20. Please visit the website www.wshc.org. PARENTING SUPPORT GROUPS: Date: November 19th 4:30PM-6:00PM TOPIC: Parenting strategies to manage the covid-19 pandemic Date: December 17th 4:30PM-6:30PM TOPIC: Coping with Parenting stress during the holidays Attendees receive a small token for attending Contact: Brenda Daley at 617-989-3103 or Brenda.daley@wshc.org Or speak with your child's Pediatric Provider for a referral PATIENT ONLY EVENTS: Turkey giveaway 11/23 and 11/24 and a Senior Social hour. WHITTIER STREET HEALTH CENTER Comprehensive. Compassionate. Community. FREDERICA M. WILLIAMS BUILDING 1290 Tremont Street, Roxbury, MA 02120 617-427-1000 www.wshc.org